About us

 The Playa Store does your Burning Man shopping for you, from leading brands, and delivers directly to you within the US

What is The Playa Store's Mission?

  • To save you hours or days of planning and shopping for Burning Man
  • Our famous Playa Packs contain all the essentials you'll need to survive and thrive at the Burn
  • Playa Packs are available for purchase from our home page (theplayastore.com) and are typically delivered within 3 to 5 business days
  • 30 day money back guarantee (see our refund policy for details: https://theplayastore.com/pages/returns-and-refunds)

Is This Commodifying The Burn?

Not at all! We live by the 10 Principles, including decommodification. By outsourcing the monotonous essential shopping to us, you can focus on the things that contribute to the Burn experience: the art, gifts, outfits, your camp and the community