Burning Man Essential Shopping and Packing List

The Burner's Essentials Shopping List

The Playa Store saves you time by delivering all the essential items you need for Burning Man, in a few clicks. Skip the research and prepping, just buy and go at theplayastore.com.


Ah, the annual pilgrimage to Black Rock City - where forgetting something vital can really throw a wrench in your burn. Despite all the radical self-reliance, there are some key items no burner should go without.

Consider this your essential packing list. And don't forget that the quickest way to get these items is in our ready made Playa Packs, available at https://theplayastore.com.

Dust Defense

  • Goggles (day/night lenses)
  • Mask/Bandanna
  • Ear plugs
  • Eye drops (for contacts)
  • Eucalyptus/peppermint oil (sinus clearing)

Body Protection

  • Sunscreen / Lip Balm
  • Bandaids / Moleskin
  • Tweezers (for splinters)
  • Hand warmers/Layers
  • Condoms/Feminine Products

Fuel and Hydration

  • Hydration Bladder
  • Collapsible Cup
  • Snacks (jerky, nuts, bars)
  • Ginger (for nausea)
  • Cash (for ice/coffee)

Tech and Lighting

  • Phone
  • Camera
  • Portable Battery
  • Flashlight
  • Headlamp
  • Clip-on LED lights

Hygiene Helpers

  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Toilet Paper/Wipes
  • Handkerchief
  • Gum

Don't Forget

  • Spare ID (expired ok) - for camps that gift alcoholic drinks
  • Gifts to give
  • Sharpie/Mini Notebook
  • Bike Lock
  • Zip Ties
  • Folding Seat/Shade Structure

Forgetting these key items can disrupt your burn in major ways. Anything not on this list, you can probably find at Burning Man if you have to. 

Get all these items in our ready made Playa Packs, available at https://theplayastore.com.

The Playa Store saves you time by delivering all the essential items you need for Burning Man, in a few clicks. Skip the research and prepping, just buy and go at theplayastore.com.

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